Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A day of Love

Today I have been pleasantly aware of the fact that any negative thoughts I am having, or trouble that I feel is brewing within my space is really just a distraction. A distraction that keeps me from moving forward on my path, a distraction that keeps me stuck in one place for longer than I need be. Today, I am aware of the fact that if I keep focused on the LOVE...The inner core of my direction, my designs, my song, my loves, then I can walk, dance and sing freer than I have ever done before! So that is my wish for you, that even though it is impossible not to have some negative thoughts or events happen in your life, keep your focus on the LOVE . The love of yourself, the love of your creativity, the love of others...the rest is just a distraction.
Artfully Yours,


Hélène Deroubaix said...

I totally agree with this. negative= distraction and sometimes I wonder why I tire myself with so many useless feelings and thoughts, I just should search for the light the colors...

yes Love is big as this!
but anytime I'm negative I forget love, I even doubt I'm loved...that's one of my biggest flaw...


Patricia J. Mosca said...

Let the love come from within yourself... Love what you do..love where you are...Love who YOU are!! The rest will follow!