Friday, June 8, 2007

Reflection Friday...

Today is a day of reflection on the past week...By touching base with my inner guidance I become aware of myself, my dreams and my achievements. That sometimes, there is a sense of frustration when things are not going the way I have mentally set them...So, rather than dwell on that, I am choosing to go within and believe that this is a plan that the Universe has. And rather than dwell in the unknown I believe it will all be revealed to me when the time is right. That it will prove to be a positive force for the future. For as I reflect today I am mindful to stay in the present and align myself with the rhythm of the Universe. I know that you must pick the grapes in order t make the wine to drink...It all has its time.....So that would be my wish for you as your reflect upon your week....Be mindful of your inner spirit...let things fall where they will and play out exactly the way they were meant to...for if we force things the frustration screams at us and we no longer listen to the sage advice from within....So pick the grapes and know that the harvest is ripe and then when it is time make the wine and enjoy the process...and in the end you will drink the wine and gather the sweet success of your labor.
Artfully Yours,

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