Sunday, July 29, 2007


This is the reflection from the week...although I do so LOVE the poem that Royce posted on the Restless affirmation! It gives me great strength to have read that!! This week has been a series of maps and discoveries. Of being very aware of my knowledge and my skills to do...or not do certain things!! Of being guided by my desires and seeing the tasks...the colors and the words...but most of all the changes that need to be made. And of making certain changes that although are hard and testing me, I know to be the right thing to do and for all the right reasons. This has been a week of making myself find comfort within and around me while balancing both work and play! This has been a week where I have felt like myself for great periods of time and yet unfamiliar with myself at other times. Change is a matter of adjusting and connecting. So I have taken this week to be very much aware of the adjustment to the rhythms and to the guidance that I receive from my spirit. I am growing...I am expanding...I am full of positive energy...all I have to do is allow it to take over and my true being explodes with color.
So, as you look over your week the question to ask is this:
What is it that I have learned about myself this week that brings me closer to my truth?
Wishing you a delightful day of pondering!
Artfully Yours,

Friday, July 27, 2007


This is my post for THURSDAY! Thursday was a day of restlessness! So restless that I did not complete my affirmation page...did not complete my post...I had commitments outside my studio and yet like a child all I wanted to do was "play" when I had outside work to do instead. So, I was a little fidgety and unable to focus due to the fact that I had to be out and about instead of in the studio playing...but yet, when I got to be in the studio, the feeling was still there. After my commitments were done for the day I tried to settle into my studio...but...because I had to delay this play I was still in restless mode! When we connect to our higher self we can find the rhythms of our work and that is what I did for quite some time yesterday. I connected...connected to what I wanted to do..what I needed to do...and where to start! Allowing myself to find the perfect time to use my energy for work and then for my creative time. Schedules that do not belong to us sometimes force us to be a little more creative with our time. So yesterday was a day of being restless...because I was on someones schedule rather than my own. So I connected to my guidance to fit all the pieces together. Allowing myself to blog without guilt and finish things as my spirit guided me.
So my question is this:
What do you do to balance work and play so that you are not to restless?
Today, May you connect and find a peacefulness with your work and your play! It took awhile, but I finally made the cross over that worked for me!!
Artfully Yours,

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Today has been a day of finding comfort...Today I am looking in a different direction for my comfort...I am trying to clean up...clean out...shape up and shift different things in my life. I am feeding my spirit with different positive messages to keep me on this unfamiliar path. I am aware that sometimes you just get into a rut with doing things a certain way, or not doing things as the case may be. Some times you have a habit that needs addressing, but you don't address it because it is uncomfortable. So today, is a day of finding comfort as I venture into breaking habits and change. Today I am fluffing pillows..putting tops on paint.. picking up, using energy that I normally put into other habits so that I form a new pattern..Today I am finding comfort in different spots, in different ways in and around me. May you also find support, comfort and nourishment for your spirit with honor and appreciation.
So I ask you this today:
What kind of change do you need and how can you support and comfort your spirit in one small way when making a change?
Artfully Yours,

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Today is a day of desire! Personal desires of all shapes and sizes. Today as I change and think about this site and what I want from it for myself and for others I am very aware that it is desire and inspiration! I receive more personal e mail regarding this site, than actual posts here..I am told that the posts are inspiring and have touched them in some kind of way. For that I am so grateful and honored. These pages have been stepping stones on a path of knowledge and creativity for me...these pages have given me guidance and instruction to myself and my tasks at hand. Today I am aware that by posting these affirmations I am filled with the sense that they are a gift from the universe to myself and to others. How many times have I said.."if I had only known THEN what I know NOW"? Well if I could have a nickel for every time I've said that I would be a very wealthy woman right now!! But, I am aware that a learning process is necessary for you to get from point A to point Z... If you could just skip over everything in between there would be no lessons learned. And it is all about the lessons...the insight into how you handle things, and how things handle you. Today I am aware that I gave to my children and now I am giving to my grand baby some of the guidance that I think I could of used to help me over some bumps and turns. And I am aware that these pages are a way for my desires to inspire others, the way people have inspired me. With guidance and instructions to set me on this path there have been people who have helped "spark" the desire to be present in my life. Perhaps you remember this inspiration that sets you into motion..or maybe you had no help, but wished you did....Take a moment today and ask yourself these questions: What are my desires? And how can I use them today to help myself and to help others?
May your day be filled with your hearts desires, and may you offer some up to someone else.
Artfully Yours,


Today was a day of creations...Today I was feeling my creativity and creating my path in all sorts of ways. Completing things that had me stopped in my tracks, and doing things that were just pulled out of nowhere! Do you know that feeling? The one you get when you have the "right" idea, and it just flows through you! You give out a little sigh of relief as it flows and you think..."why didn't I think about that before?'..Or my favorite.."that was easy"! My creativity flowed easily through my hands today...making me aware of my creations..making me aware that some things come to me in there own time, because perhaps I over thought it...perhaps I was blocking it by making it harder than it needed to be..perhaps the time just wasn't right for me to be working on it. There are so many reasons for the whys...but today I have answers and I am moving forward!! Today I know that sometimes I may not be able to achieve my goals unless I attain the knowledge...the skill...and the understanding to make it possible...and sometimes I just have to stop by the side of the road and rest and smell the flowers in order to see my path.
So my friends...My question to you today is this........
When you are following your path and there are times when you cannot see the road what blocks your view? And what small step can you take to point you where you can see your options again?
Artfully Yours,

Monday, July 23, 2007


No your machine is not playing tricks on you today! There is not a picture YET! When I woke up this morning I have a vision of CHANGE for the Luminosity site! I will still be doing the affirmations that I usually do every day, but with a TWIST! Hopefully it will prompt you to write, or paint, or draw in a journal of affirmations for yourself. To open up to your spirit and explore! So with that being said, there will be some little alterations to my posts....I will be back later today!! My wish is that you will be too!
Artfully Yours,

Friday, July 20, 2007

Reflection Friday

Today has been a day of reflecting on the week...This week has been one that has to do with totally being with myself! I have made it a point to reflect on so many things this week. I am aware that I can travel deep within myself to my own destinations. To stir my soul and my spirit to create and dream. I am aware of the depth of my hearts song and I sing it in a loud true voice. Today, as I reflect on the things I have learned about myself this week, I know that I am so thankful for the people who stir my spirit...who lift me up and help me to fly on the wings of the goddess of creativity. I am learning to honor my intentions and watch the movements I make both from within and around me. So today, as I reflect on this week, I feel truly blessed. Blessed that I can create every day...blessed that I have love in my life...blessed that I can laugh and sing and dance with great abandonment! Blessed that I become more and more aware of the creativity that is within me that comes out in so many ways. My wish for you as you reflect on your week would be that you too count your blessings. That you are able to see them even when there are dark clouds overhead. Blessings are the smallest of things sometimes, and often we over look them thinking that they should be BIG! But when you start to really be aware of all the little ones...suddenly....THEY BECOME HUGE!
Artfully Yours,

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Today a writing prompt came across my machine to be aware of your intentions...What it made me do was sit back and see the intentions that I have to completing several projects along with starting several more...Now, the problem that I usually have here is that I get in such a BIG HURRY to start the new project that the old ones sometimes sit waiting till the 11th hour when they are due to be completed! So today I am allowing myself to step into my creativity and complete what I have started. This is a day that is turning out to be very powerful for my creative life! I am looking closely at how I go about projects and I am arriving at answers as to why I sometimes have a difficult time finishing others. The presence of having an intent makes me feel more aware and much more awake to myself and my surroundings. Doing one thing at a time today is actually making me feel a bit more organized and content! (now who would of thought that!!) Usually when working on several things at a time, I am also, thinking of different things, writing down different things and pulling things out of bins for other projects...which means although I think I am giving my project my all ...HUMMM...I wonder if I really am...and if I do give it my full attention what would be different about it?? I am not sure if I will continue to work this way...some days I like the chaos and it just leads me on...other days it is so frustrating that nothing gets accomplished. But today this intent is serving me well!
So my wish for you is that you also try and make an intent for doing this you take ownership of your actions and you never know you might enjoy the power it gives you. As for me, well...I am now done with my affirmation and my post, so it is back to the paint and a 4 by 4 I am working on with GREAT INTENT!
Artfully Yours,

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Soul Spirit

Today is a day of celebrating the souls' spirit....A day of talking and laughing and sharing! Today, I am so aware of what this machine can and does do for me! I am blessed with a very dear friend that I have met via this machine!! We met through the written word some 2 1/2 years ago...reconnected several times...and then met in person almost a year ago...since then, my friend, my sister, my inspiration, my cheerleader, my confident has been a blessing to me. She has brought me up when I was down, was the first one that I notified when wonderful things appear to me, who shares my love of art and humor! She is a member of a tribe of strong women who continue to search their soul for their true spirit....So today, as we chatted on the phone (these calls that are suppose to be 1/2 hour...which really means 2 or 3 hours!) after getting off I feel so alive with alive with who I am ...where I am going...what I want to accomplish and how much I have and how far I have come! This machine has given me a gift...a gift of connecting not only to others but to myself...It has given my souls' spirit a place to sing and play and be joyous. So today, I am grateful for knowing this...for feeling this, but most of all for my friend who has taught me how to believe in this. So my wish for you today would be the same joyous feeling! May you connect with your souls' spirit guided by the voice within and by the sound of support that you receive from it and from others who surround you. May you take a moment of your time and laugh , and talk, and share your souls' spirit with a friend. For today is just the beginning of your dreams...your desires and your love. Honor it!
Artfully Yours,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today has been a day of I continue on this creative path. Today I finally finished 2 pieces that have been partly completed for weeks! Today, I played in a sandbox and sang silly little songs with a 2 year old! Today, I danced around the living room with glee! So today was a day of connection...So often we do not stop and think about what it is that makes us truly happy. We think that perhaps it is fame, or fortune, the "If I COULD JUST"...or "I REALLY SHOULD" are the things that will bring happiness...But when you connect to your past..your present...and glimpse into your can see that the moments of true happiness are the ones that did not cost any money...did not require a lot of your time...and caused no stress getting there! The moments where you made no money and there was no crown of glory placed on your head! Connecting with your heart, with your home, with the loves of your life, with your creativity and with yourself is the freedom to happiness. So sing in your loudest in your living room...oh heck...go out and play in a sandbox or swing on a swing...I know it will make you feel a delight of happiness from the top of your head to the tip of your toes! CONNECT to will bring about a smile of joy that will come from your heart and go to the stars.
Artfully Yours,

Monday, July 16, 2007


Today is a day of Travel...within my mind...within my space...within my soul. Today, I am traveling in my creativity! The destination is connecting with me! There are times when you just have to do this...block out everything else and take your energy and put it into yourself. Today is such a day with me!! I am aware that by connecting to myself and my spirit I will be able to dream and continue on this path. I have not been alone with myself for several weeks now and this morning it is the quiet... the silence that is allowing me to hear what I have to say. Although we sometimes think that this is a selfish thing to do, I realize that it is one of the most important things that I must do! So today I travel...alone with my thoughts...alone with my dreams...alone with my journey!! My wish for you would be that you allow yourself this type of travel also....By taking the few minutes to be alone with our self we can connect to what our inner voice is telling us to do...we can connect to the gratitude that we have for this choice...we can connect to our creativity..our life..our soul. Be not afraid to take this small amount of time...the sound of your soul is sweet music and will show you a step on your winding path.
Artfully Yours,

Friday, July 13, 2007

Reflection Friday

Today has been a day of reflection for this week. This week has been a series of family responsibilities and commitments. I have not had a great deal of time to be in my studio for that reason. At first I had a difficult time with this, causing my inner critic to come out and say...WELL, YOU SHOULD BE DOING THIS....OR YOU SHOULD BE DOING THAT! But once I listened closer I found my inner self saying...THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING! By slowing down, I was able to re-connect to my past thru some of these commitments and by doing that I was also connecting to my present. This caused me great depths of smiles. I learned to sing new heart songs this week, allowing myself to dabble more than drive myself with creativity. This week, I delighted in laughter and being silly. And I also, was very aware of the warmth of love that pours in to me from others, and surrounds me daily. So, when reflecting I learned that I have a really full life! An amazing life! I am surrounded by creativity everywhere I look...from nature, from silence, from silly! I was aware that birth and death are the cycles of life and I celebrated both with great love. This has been a wonderful week of reflection. My wish for you as you reflect on your week would be the same...take the time...ALWAYS take the time to remember where you came far you have come...and where you still want to go. Life is an amazing journey filled with the warmth of love, new and old heart songs, connecting and re-connecting....and don't forget the silly!
Artfully Yours,

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Today has been a day of feeling the warmth of life. I had some obligations to fill today and they took me to places that I do not ordinarily go. Today, I felt the warmth of a silence, a beauty that I do not usually see, and my quiet. Today, I was aware of the warmth of spirit...of looking inward toward a calm and peaceful place within. Today, I was aware of the warmth of love, love for those close, love for those who have passed, and love for who I am and what I do. Today, was a day of warmth, and I felt it all around me, pouring from my inside out and my outside in! Today, that warmth enveloped me in radiance. My wish for you today is that you take a few moments from your day and go within yourself in silence to feel the spirit of the warmth that love provides you. That you feel that warmth for those close to you, for those who are no longer with you, and for yourself and that you rejoice and bask in it... and feel it all around you. It is so powerful and full of beautiful energy. Today I wish your warmth.
Artfully Yours,

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today was a day of being silly...Two sisters working together at a table toward one goal! Today was a day of remembering childhood, recalling games and playing pretend. Of hiding in closets and laundry shoots..Of playing dolls, and putting on plays! Of remembering when..and do you recall... Today there were giggles and delights in moments of past imagination and of things rapidly approaching us! Two sisters doing a project at a kitchen table...connecting to our youth...connecting to our laughter...connecting to our silly! Children are just naturally silly, and laugh at everything! But all to soon we can hear people say.."don't be so silly"..or worse "act your age"!! Today, my wish for you is that you bring back your silly!! Play...laugh...giggle...imagine...skip...doodle...sing...You'll soon see it is just as entertaining as it was when you were young!! (and your certainly going to have a good giggle!!) PUT ON YOUR SILLY!
Artfully Yours,


This is actually my post for Tuesday,but it was a long day and I did not get it posted yesterday!! Yesterday was a day of exploring! I take my mother (who is 81 and never did learn to drive!) to a luncheon with some friends down at the lake. I have been doing this for some 7 years now. This year I was actually looking forward to going as I was going to see someone very special to me for the first time in over a year (my mothers friend whom I consider to be my Aunt) This was a day where I was exploring my emotional connection to people, I was exploring the sights of the lake, the smooth lake glass and the warmth of the sand between my toes. This was a day of exploring the shells, and watching boats as they glided across the lake with an effortless ease. This was a day of dreaming, and believing and knowing! So my wish for all is that you have a day like this...a day that is so calm that you can feel yourself gliding with an effortless ease! Where you can feel your warmth and your love from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head. It was a beautiful day!A day where a new song rose up from within. May yours be a happy one too!
Artfully Yours,

Monday, July 9, 2007


Today is a day of re-connecting!! I have been out of my studio for several days except for brief moments of connections. So today, I re-connect!! I am full into the paint, the pen, the paper...ideas are dancing and bouncing around in here with the heat and energy! Such a wonderful day! Today, not only am I re-connecting with myself but also with those that I love. Those that inspire me to create and be creative! I am sending off positive energy in their direction as well as my own. Today is a day of re-connecting! Of feeling my past and my present melding as one! I am smiling huge big grins today!(even though it must be 98 degrees in here!!) So that would be my wish for all who come to view today, that you too take a moment and re-connect. Re-connect with a friend, re-connect with your art and your creativity, re-connect with yourself....SMILE...deep down within you smiles! IT FEELS SO GOOD!
Artfully Yours,

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Reflection Friday...

A week went by...and then a couple days...I have been thrown off balance a bit with the
holiday, and with my husband home now, plus we had our grandson here for 3 days!! My little bit of routine has gotten out of whack! BUT I am now adjusting...have read, and caught up on sleep and now I am ready to get back in the studio!! I did reflect on Friday and I was very aware that this past week was more about reaching out and touching others than it was about me making art! In the long term as I listened to what I said to others I was aware to ride my own be mindful of being FREE to dream and do and be and to open my heart and extend my hand....It was truly a beautiful week....and I realized how much I have grown...I hardly beat myself up at all for not creating!!!!!!!! It is a beautiful thing!! I hope your week went well and my wish for you is that you are aware that no matter what you did....It was exactly what you were suppose to be doing!
Artfully Yours,

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Today as I was working early and asking what it was that I needed today, the word HELPFUL came into play. I wasn't aware of what that meant till later in the morning and then throughout the day, different signs appeared to me. Everyday I do my art, and I try to post my affirmation here also. Today, across the telephone wires, across the Internet and in the mail I received signs from others that all that I am doing is helpful to their creative process. So today, I am aware that not only do these affirmations help me, but they help others as well. I love the idea of loaning some of my energy from these affirmations to someone else. I am aware that by doing this I feel revitalized and as if my direction has become a little clearer. And it makes me feel so good to give with an open heart. That would be my wish for you..that you inspire someone today with your open heart. That you feel your energy become that much stronger by offering a hand to someone who needs a little shift in their energy. The reward is so great at the end of the is a wonderful inner Peace that shines brightly.
Artfully Yours,

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Today has been a day of participating...for taking the day and seeing life...full with love, full of wonderful laughter..full of joy! Today I participate in the enjoyment of my life. Finding that within this time that when I freely participate in activities they lift me up and teach me so much. I am aware of the smallest of things today. An ant in a sandbox making its way across what must seem like a desert...a bee lifting sweet honey from a and trees that are content just to be. Today I participate in my wonderful and happy..full of love and laughter. Today I make the most of it. And that would be my wish for all today. Do not forget that there are lessons to be learned from participating in your enjoyment. That with our thoughts we create our experiences. So today, participate in your life, making it full with the love and laughter that surrounds you every day.
Artfully Yours,

Monday, July 2, 2007


Today is a day of excitement...My little feet hit the floor running today!! Oh, I couldn't make it fast enough into the studio...I have visions of a whole series of little paintings...I have visions of submissions...I have visions and visions and visions!!!!!!!! Today I am so excited...and I am going to ride this wave joyously today! I am aware of what it is that I have to do and how to do it!! OH MY!!!! Today, as I am filled with excitement I acknowledge and honor my creativity!! And that would be my wish for all who come here today...when you feel that excitement...that connection with your creativity...get it out, get it on paper, write it down if you can't get into your studio...DON'T LOSE IT!!!!! For one moment of excitement, brings another and then another and then another!! AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! As for me...I am off to the paint..These creative thoughts are waiting to be acknowledged!
Artfully Yours,