Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day to all who enter here today! This is a day set aside to honor those that we love! To declare it..shout it from the roof tops..Sing its praises and joys! So today that is what this affirmation is about...for all my family, and extended family of kindred spirits..for all my friends and for all those that I have yet to meet! I know that I am a better person for having you in my life! I know that when the road is long you are there to help me along my way..I know that you are within me and around me at all times.For this I am grateful and honored! My wish for all is that you let these wonderful spirits who are in your life know this today...but also, that you show them and let them know every day...Today just declare it a little louder!
Artfully Yours,

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