Just encase you haven't checked out the blog today, the permission slip there is "IT" day....And so this morning I was thinking about what "IT" was that I was going to do...HUMMM..(so many things to pick from! but what is the one thing that I have been putting off doing?!) I went and took a class in Virginia some 4 years ago and met a wonderfully inspiring person while I was there...I have been wanting to do something for this person for that length of time now!!! PHEW! I would say that is over due!! Anyhow that is my "IT"...That is my holiday gift to myself...I am going to do something special for this person for no reason other than the fact that I want to. There is no secret motivation, no method behind my madness, other than the fact that this person has inspired me to continue on my path over the past 4 years...I have watched as this person continues on hers and grows...which inspires me to see where my path will take me.. So that is my "IT" project...I am off to collect the things that I want to use in this adventure...I cannot say who it is right now, but will post when the project is completed..sent..and received!! So glad I have permission to finally do this!! I hope today that you use this permission slip for something that you have been putting on the back burner too!! You can view the permission slip at: pjmosca.blogspot.com...(there is a link on the side...)
Artfully Yours,
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Custom Work...
I am taking a little bit of time to SHINE today!! If you are reading this post and
don't know about the permission slips I am doing you can view them at: www.pjmosca.blogspot.com Today, I am honoring the fact that just when I think that I should go out and get a "REAL" job...(cause, sitting and creating in this studio 8 hours a day, isn't a real job?!) I get custom orders!! One after another!! LOL...And that certainly makes me happy..not just because I will be making some money (because of course that doesn't hurt any!) But because what I am doing with my creativity not only makes me HAPPY but makes others HAPPY too!!...And dog gone it...."People like me!!" (I always feel a little like Sally Fields!) But, it just reinforces how I feel about my art!! So SHINE I will today...Running out for some art supplies...Up early...and painting...LIFE IS GOOD...LIFE IS VERY, VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! And that is my wish for you today..that you see how good your life is!!
Artfully Yours,
don't know about the permission slips I am doing you can view them at: www.pjmosca.blogspot.com Today, I am honoring the fact that just when I think that I should go out and get a "REAL" job...(cause, sitting and creating in this studio 8 hours a day, isn't a real job?!) I get custom orders!! One after another!! LOL...And that certainly makes me happy..not just because I will be making some money (because of course that doesn't hurt any!) But because what I am doing with my creativity not only makes me HAPPY but makes others HAPPY too!!...And dog gone it...."People like me!!" (I always feel a little like Sally Fields!) But, it just reinforces how I feel about my art!! So SHINE I will today...Running out for some art supplies...Up early...and painting...LIFE IS GOOD...LIFE IS VERY, VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! And that is my wish for you today..that you see how good your life is!!
Artfully Yours,
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Just an update on the GREAT PATTIE SMOKE OUT!!!! I am still continuing on with this...It is probably one of the hardest things that I have ever done!! But, I continue to look at pictures of my grandson, and know that this path is one that I MUST continue on! The problem that I am facing now, is that the studio seems as if it is missing something...and that something is ME! Habits..even bad ones made over a long period of time is somewhat of a comfort zone...Not smoking or lighting up a smoke when I go to sketch something out feels uncomfortable...DIFFERENT...So, I am trying to turn it around to make it something NEW and EXCITING! Today, I will be moving the studio around a little bit so that I can have a different view!! So, that the flow is different from what it has been...Hopefully this will help....I WANT MY CREATIVITY BACK!!!!!!!And without the smokes!! I am staying POSITIVE which makes it a lot different from other times that I have tried to do this...and I am still chewing away!!!
Artfully Yours,
Artfully Yours,
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hand Turkey!!

Do you remember making these as a kid??!! While we were waiting for the bird to cook and all the trimmings...we decided to make hand turkeys! We each had some crayons and a blank piece of paper....we all made different ones...This is mine!! With all the gratitude symbols everywhere...It was a wonderfully relaxing day...Make a hand turkey!!
Or a paper garland (remember those?!) string popcorn...bring back the simple...make yourself smile...
Artfully Yours,
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving....
Wishing all the blessings of the day.....
Today and everyday!!
Artfully Yours,
Today and everyday!!
Artfully Yours,
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Kick Start!!
I talk to people all the time who feel like they are going through the motions of life. Doing the same things everyday...getting up..going to work..eating...sleeping...and then they do it all over again day after day. The one thing I tell them is that they are just letting routine run their life. Because, routine is very strong and we get trapped into it...BUT THERE IS HOPE!!!! Just REMEMBER some of these things!
1. YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD TO CHANGE!Despite the fact that we have been told that you can't teach an old dog new tricks! So, no matter what age you are, you are the perfect age to do anything that you want to do! I just read a story about a woman who jumped out of a plane for her 90th birthday!! She always wanted to do it, and so she did! I guess that it is all a state of mind.
Start to fill up some of you time with your hopes and dreams. Start to think about and make a list of some of the things that you want to do in your life. Take a painting class, write a poem, jump out of a plane!! Your life is waiting for you to fill it up!
Start visualizing yourself doing some of the things on your list. The more you see
yourself doing these things, the quicker you will get off the couch and do them! See yourself ... get excited and happy and things will happen.
Everything starts with very small steps...but if you can picture it, if you believe in it, if you want it..you just have to kick start yourself and break free of habits and routines that you are allowing to stand in your way of all the wonderful things that are waiting for you!
Artfully Yours,
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Honoring My Creativity!

This is a page from a daily affirmation journal that I kept. I love this page because it reminds me of what it is that my hands do! I am amazed at the things that these old hands have come to do and love. I am grateful that I have rediscovered what it is that I always knew in my heart that I wanted to do. The one thing that I realize is that it is never to late to connect with yourself. We sometimes get lost in the everyday shuffle of life....we often times as women become, someones wife, someones mother...and somehow lose sight of who we are, what are dreams were and become everything to everyone else. Not that it is a bad gig...cause, I did love being a surburban house wife, and the baseball, dancing mom!! But when those little birds flew this nest...WOW!! what a shock to see that I had no idea what it was that I was suppose to do!! My doctor suggested a pet..something to "mother"..which I gladly did do! But, now, years later...I realize that my doctor probably should of suggested a class, a tribe, a retreat...It certainly would of saved me a lot of time!! I do know that everything comes together in the proper time and space, and that I am sure that the things I went thru just served to make me into the person that I am today! But, let me say this, if you are reading this and your nest is just starting, or starting to empty out...start a journal, start to rediscover yourself, take a class that you have always wanted to take, RECAPTURE your dream. Your whole family will thank you for it!! But most of all...your heart will thank you!
Artfully Yours,
Monday, November 20, 2006
Here it is Monday already, and I am wondering where the weekend went to!! It seems the older I get the faster the time flies by!! Like wasn't Christmas just last week?! No...well, I thought it was!! And yet, as a kid, it seemed like it took forever to get from one birthday to the next or any given holiday!! Now, I turn around and there it is!! I really do not like the fact that the commerical world has brought Christmas so close to Halloween....Like there is nothing in between those two days! WHAT ABOUT THE TURKEY?!!!!!! What about being grateful for the abundance we have? What about the pumpkin pie? I make a lot of gifts, so I try to avoid all the mall hustle and bustle...I do go once and look at the decorations, but that is closer to the actual day of Christmas...when I can watch everyone running around with their lists...while I sip a Peppermint Latte! I will make some gifts with my 18 month old grandson for everyone, and I have thoughts of what to make for others on my list....Little will be store bought, I have to say that watching TV the other night and seeing that the commerical wanted some parent to buy a $800 computer for their teenager...and I thought...not even on my best Christmas would that ever happen. ...Lets get back to the season of gratitude....Lets get back to gifts that are made from the heart and given with great love...Lets get back to the old fashion Christmas...But first! LETS EAT THE TURKEY AND THE PUMPKIN PIE!
Artfully Yours,
Artfully Yours,
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Artfully Yours,
The Reason Behind the Madness!!
Turn Over A New Leaf!

Artfully Yours,
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