Thursday, November 29, 2007

Magical Mandala...Action

New possibilities spring forth...
they swirl and twirl ...ready to explore...
New opportunities reveal them self...
offering me boldness in my action...
Courage is at my center of gratitude...
my power comes from within...

*** My power from within is swirling and allowing me to explore new possibilities of growth...Riding a wave that once appeared to big to ride...Getting past the fear and the planning stages...releasing the hesitation...Today, I am aware of the creative outlets that are revealing them self to me...With an optimistic attitude I am regaining the confidence to be a little bolder...a little bigger...with my courage and my willingness to take another chance...Today, may you be aware of the courage at your center and use it to ride a wave that once appeared to high, with a little more boldness to pursue your dreams...PUT YOURSELF INTO ACTION WITH A SMALL STEP TODAY!
Artfully Yours,

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Magical Mandala...Hearts Passion

The passion of the heart burns brightly...
It burns with gratitude and love...
The passion of the heart grows and stretches
its creativity from deep within...
The passion of the heart reaches for the stars...
With honor and happiness I fuel my fire...

***As I honor my passion to create, I fuel the fire that burns deep with in...I allow it to grow and stretch toward the stars. It causes my happiness to soar to the stars, it allows me to find a peace that circles around me. When I am aware of the positive side of my creative joy, it allows me to live a fuller life. Today, as you go about your day, give yourself some time for whatever it is that fuels the passion of your heart...You will see what a difference it will make in your outlook about so many different things...when we do not acknowledge our passion the fire becomes weak and we often wonder what it is that is causing our unhappiness....LIGHT THE MATCH...FAN THE FLAMES...FUEL YOUR FIRE!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Magical Mandala...Filled With Abundance

Do not focus on the sense of lack...
Fill yourself with positive thoughts...
Fill yourself with empowerment...
Fill yourself with abundance...
Fill yourself with gratitude...
Appreciate the abundance you have and shift your thinking....

***It is easy to get stuck in the emptiness of feeling like something is lacking...Especially at this the holiday season...There just seems to be that over lying feeling of...NOT ENOUGH...sometimes, it is "NOT ENOUGH TIME"..."NOT ENOUGH MONEY" ..."NOT ENOUGH ENERGY"...Whatever it is doesn't really matter...they are feelings that one must acknowledge...but once you have said HELLO to them...give them a quick pat and then it is best to say GOOD BYE just as quickly...If you continue to focus on them they grow...grow with such a strength that they become weeds so deeply rooted that it takes a great deal of energy to rid yourself of them....So today, as we approach the beginning of the holiday season give your inner spirit a lift and fill yourself with positive thoughts....Allow yourself an extra 5 minutes to feel your power...allow yourself to feel the abundance of love and happiness that you have in your life...allow yourself to make gifts from the heart instead of store bought things...allow yourself to bring your gratitude that can flow right to your heart...So today, may you feel a shift in your thinking, and notice how you can flow the abundance that you do have back to your spirit...
Artfully Yours,

Monday, November 19, 2007

Magical Mandala...Ride your wave

Ride your wave as your tide ebbs and flows...
Rock gently...allow your current to take you forward
than back...then forward again...
your strength will carry you through the currents
with your faith...
Ride your wave...
And listen as you approach your shore...

***Riding your wave is sometimes the most difficult thing that you have to do...When your wave is at its ebb we sometimes become so comfortable there that when it flows we get fearful...afraid that we will be pulled under and never resurface...however, if we allow our self to rely on our strength and our faith in our self than the current is only there to swirl and present a different view for us to see...The flow of our waves brings us closer to our shores of contentment...Today, as you ride your wave, may you be aware where it is that you are...if you are in a ebb or a flow...high tide...or low tide...either way...gently rock there allowing the movement to show you a different view of things that are, and things that are yet to be...and then with your strength hold on to your sails and rock...forward..back...forward..back...and see your horizon...
Artfully Yours,

Friday, November 16, 2007

Magicial Mandala...Be Aware

Be aware of the morning light and
what it brings to you...
Be aware of the wind and
what it says to you...
Be aware of new growth and
where it leads you...
Be aware of the night and
what your dreams expose to you...

***Be aware of each day...As it exposes a newness of is a rebirth of your spirit...
Be aware of your morning light and what the warmth of it brings to you...Be aware of the wind and the whispers of love that it says to you...Be aware of your seedlings and nourish them so they can lead you...Be aware of the night and what your secret dreams and wishes expose to you...Today, may you be aware of the abundance of time that you have each and every day to show you how much you have to be grateful for...Today, may your gratitude be swirling all around you.
Artfully Yours,

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Magical Mandala...Ask

Ask yourself...Your soul...Your roots...Your spirit...
Ask what it is that needs to come forth...
Ask what it is that needs to open and grow...
Ask yourself...Your soul...Your roots...Your spirit...
Then listen as the winds of who you are answer...

***Be aware of the questions you ask of yourself...Be aware of how you address your spirit...In a positive way as your sun rises be aware of the stirrings in your soul...your roots...your spirit... Take those moments of question and listen to the winds of who you are sway and offer up the answers...ASK yourself gently...ask yourself what direction and what nourishment you need to bring your spirits' seedling to the surface and sprout strong roots so you can grow toward your sun and stars...Ask and listen for your answers...If not today...try again tomorrow...
The answers will come.
Today, may you be aware that by asking yourself small questions every day in a positive tone, and then listening...being aware of the signs, your spirit will answer and let you know where to plant your seedling.
Artfully Yours,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Magical Mandala...Be at peace

Be at peace with the sound of your silence...
Listen....Listen to your spirit as you fly with your growth
Be at peace with the buds as they sprout into the newness of the day...
Be at peace as you soar to new heights...
swift with the wind...
Be at peace with the sound of your silence...

***Be aware that with growth you must add silence to be at peace with the stretching that takes place. The newness of the seedlings of growth needs the silence for you to listen to the wisdom that your life has to offer up...As the winds change you must be at peace in order to shift and adjust to the newness of the day. Be at peace and listen to your spirit...both old and new sides and be gentle...gentle with your growth...SEE AND KNOW YOUR PEACE. Today, may you be aware that silence does not mean you have nothing to say, but rather it gives you the opportunity to listen closely to what your soul is telling you...May you be aware today of the silent moments that surround your spirit so that it can speak its soft message to you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Magical Mandala...Burst Open

There is a moment when your must burst open...
When the bud can no longer be tight...
Push your face toward the sun to feel your warmth...
Turn gently to feel your beauty...
Trust that your roots are strong...

***There is a moment when you feel it..the tight bud loosening....Allow yourself to nourish it slowly and it will you face your sun and feel the warmth of your truth and your own beautiful soul you become aware of your growth...of your busting open...Be aware that this moment is yours alone and by honoring it you begin to fill yourself up with your true beauty..BURST OPEN with your belief and know that you are strongly rooted to your own spirit...Be aware of your true glorious self. Today, may you feel yourself strengthening enough to burst open with the delight of your spirit.
Artfully Yours,

Monday, November 12, 2007

Magical Mandala...Parade

This is the time to have your parade...
to dance...sing...and enjoy...
to laugh...expose...and remember.
This is the time to listen to your music...
to follow your stars...
This is YOUR time...
Lead your parade.

***Be aware that there are many opportunities for you to play...let your heart soar with laughter...let it sing songs of love for you...When you become aware of these times you can expose your child like self and remember your joy...Let your heart flow to a freedom of your own expression...listen to the music of your soul and dance in your parade of self...
Today, may you lead yourself forward to your truth...with your soul music...may you use that music to soar to the front of your parade and lead yourself to your dreams.
Artfully Yours,

Friday, November 9, 2007

Magical Mandala...Participate

Participate in the weaving...
reach beyond...take your time...
expand and develop...with purpose...
with competence...with will...
with strength...with hope...
with love...with generosity..
with wisdom...
play with the weaving of your life...
and leave room...
room for your growth...

***There are times when it is much easier to allow someone else to make a give take charge. Once we start this process we lose part of our strength...we lose part of our souls...our spirit. Be aware to take time to participate in the weaving of your life...pick your colors...pick your purpose...pick your hopes and desires and weave them slowly...steadily into the fabric of your dreams...Today, may you be aware of all the decisions that you need to make for yourself in order to be true to who you really are.
* This mandala was inspired by writer: Joan Erikson

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Magical Mandala...Let the Outside In

Bring that which is around you in...
Allow yourself to witness what it can show you...
Let it touch your soul to allow
you to grow beyond your circle...
Let the outside in...
Breathe in the strength..
the beauty...
Renew your spirit

***By staying in the comfort of your space...your mind...your zone often something NEW will throw you off balanced...Be aware to let the outside aware to entwine both the familiar and the doing so you open up to so many possibilities. By letting the outside in you will lay witness to a new strength...a new beauty...a re-newed spirit. May you take the comfort of today and let one small new growth come in from the outside to blossom and take a place within your soul to enrich your spirit.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Magical Mandala...Paradise

Let your bird of paradise open...
Let it stir your heart with messages...
of beauty...of belief...of joyous color...
Let your bird of paradise grow strong
and open its glorious wings...
Then let it take flight...

***Take time to watch for your blooms after a rain...Once you open your eyes and look for the growth that your rain afforded you...Let your blossoms stir your heart...turn them over gently in your hands and feel the message....water, nurture and tend to the growth...take your time, there is no hurry to force it to grow to fast...But once you are able .... TAKE FLIGHT!
May you be aware of your blooms, your seedlings of growth, so that you can tend to your soul in order to be able to fly...
Artfully Yours,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Magical Mandala...Cracking Open

Let the thunder within crack you open...
Let the rain pour out...
Let yourself feel the force and power from deep within...
Let it lead the way to your stars...
Let the thunder within crack you open...
Do not fear your power...
Do not fear the darkness...
Do not fear your rain...

***Be aware that sometimes a huge storm must occur to crack you open...Tears and pain driving very hard...the force and power from deep within that often comes before change is allowed. Letting the thunder crack me open is giving way to the rain of tears...which in the past has made me feel weak and small...this rain makes me feel that a new dawn is approaching and I will soon surrender to the calm and growth this storm will allow me...
May you come to know your storm as something that is given to you so that you can quiet yourself, and become aware that growth is about to happen. It is often the fear and change of growth that allows the thunder to crack us open...A good storm may sometimes make you fearful, but when the rain and thunder is over we see a new day before us. May you be aware of your thunder and may you allow it to crack you open toward new stars....
Artfully Yours,

Monday, November 5, 2007

Magical Mandala...Welcome

Be the peace...
Be the calm...
Be the joy...
Let yourself be aware...
be open...
Feel deep the welcome...

Be aware as you change environments or move into different stages of your life....Do not fear such changes, but rather feel the welcome...feel the sudden change of the wind and the slightest shift in your your mind...and welcome it...For if you eliminate the fear and embrace the welcome you will feel an open sense so you can better receive all that is about to unfold around you....May you remember to always feel the welcome!

***I have been visiting friends in the paradise called, Key West, Florida! I have had the opportunity to be welcomed with such a warmth of friendship and love ... these next 9 mandalas were done while visiting with them and the learning that took place while I was there...