Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Magical Mandala...Cracking Open

Let the thunder within crack you open...
Let the rain pour out...
Let yourself feel the force and power from deep within...
Let it lead the way to your stars...
Let the thunder within crack you open...
Do not fear your power...
Do not fear the darkness...
Do not fear your rain...

***Be aware that sometimes a huge storm must occur to crack you open...Tears and pain driving very hard...the force and power from deep within that often comes before change is allowed. Letting the thunder crack me open is giving way to the rain of tears...which in the past has made me feel weak and small...this rain makes me feel that a new dawn is approaching and I will soon surrender to the calm and growth this storm will allow me...
May you come to know your storm as something that is given to you so that you can quiet yourself, and become aware that growth is about to happen. It is often the fear and change of growth that allows the thunder to crack us open...A good storm may sometimes make you fearful, but when the rain and thunder is over we see a new day before us. May you be aware of your thunder and may you allow it to crack you open toward new stars....
Artfully Yours,


Everydaythings said...

glad youre back Patti, I am discovering old storms still have their power too.

MeowGoddess said...

Bring on the Storms!!!

Thank you Crone Goddess Pattie. So glad to have your voice back.

And your lovely artwork. These would make great greeting cards.

Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana