open your heart...
open your mind....
believe in the possibilities
open your senses...
open your confidence...
believe in the
possibilitieswith all your heart...
Be open today...consider different paths...allow your senses to be open...allow your confidence to over take you...and broaden. Believe that anything is possible.
By approaching your goals and dreams this way you create a positive experience for yourself. And you take the first step in believing in the
possibilities. Stretch beyond the limits that we set for
our self...Open your heart and mind to create a deeper level to your life...It is here that we begin to hear the TRUE stirrings of our heart. It is here that we become aware of our heart felt
possibilities for growth and making our dreams come true. Let this first day of the New Year begin....Let your heart feel the possibilities....
Artfully Yours,
Want to start your own affirmation..mandala..journal..art..thoughts and writings in this the new year? Do you want to share who you are and what you do with other creative spirits along with yourself? Come on over to the new space at:
From the Inside Out