The passion of the heart burns brightly...
It burns with gratitude and love...
The passion of the heart grows and stretches
its creativity from deep within...
The passion of the heart reaches for the stars...
With honor and happiness I fuel my fire...
***As I honor my passion to create, I fuel the fire that burns deep with in...I allow it to grow and stretch toward the stars. It causes my happiness to soar to the stars, it allows me to find a peace that circles around me. When I am aware of the positive side of my creative joy, it allows me to live a fuller life. Today, as you go about your day, give yourself some time for whatever it is that fuels the passion of your heart...You will see what a difference it will make in your outlook about so many different things...when we do not acknowledge our passion the fire becomes weak and we often wonder what it is that is causing our unhappiness....LIGHT THE MATCH...FAN THE FLAMES...FUEL YOUR FIRE!